Thursday, December 29, 2011

TX ADT-5 Utilizes Veterinary Medicine in COIN

TX ADT-5 utilizes veterinary medicine to enter formerly non-permissive areas in Ghazni Province. 

TX ADT-5 is utilizing veterinary medicine and the lines of communication between the veterinarians and Agriculture Extension Agents in Ghazni Province to reach out to formerly non-permissive districts and build positive relationships with their populations.

This project will result in better animal health by helping ensure that animals are vaccinated, people are educated in basic animal health and hygiene, and training more artificial insemination specialists for increased reproduction rates.  This will have the secondary effects of improving community health, creating numerous full-time jobs in the field of artificial insemination, and increasing the population’s overall income with increased animal reproduction rates.

 CPT Ashleigh Fann, U.S. Army Veterinarian attached to TX ADT-5, conducts a key leader engagement for the head veterinarian and artificial insemination technician for Ghazni Province.

CPT Fann talks with the Jaghatu veterinarian to evaluate his experience and education level.  This was the first time in almost two years American troops visited Jaghatu District.

Afghan Juicing Project

TX ADT-5 works together with USDA, USAID, and Afghan businesses to bring the middle of the value-chain for excess apples from Pakistan back to Afghanistan.

TX ADT-5, in partnership, is working to bring  the middle of the apple value-chain back to Afghanistan, increasing the economy locally by creating jobs and lowering import/export and storage costs from outside the country.  We have done this through agriculture education, building cool storage facilities, and creating partnerships between local growers and Afghan business owners.

This project was done by utilizing human capital and personal knowledge.  Though some funding was used from our partner organizations, the success of this story is that Afghans are now starting to reach out and create business relationships with each other, thus making them more self-sufficient while at the same time increasing their own economy. 
This is the start of a business relationship between Kabul businesses and Ghazni Province grower’s associations, mainly from Kwaja O’mari apple growers, and is expanding to include other fruits and districts in Ghazni Province.  This is keeping money within the Afghan economy as well as keeping any of the orchard production from going to waste. 
This project was accomplished by working with local grower’s associations, the Provincial Director of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (DAIL), Sultan Hussein, the agriculture extension agent from Kwaja O’mari, USDA, USAID, and Kabul businessmen.

TX ADT poses with USDA reps and Kabul businessmen.

Ghazni will provide an additional 10 metric tons of apples for juice to the Kabul juice factory.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Holidays!

It's been a while since the last post...a little over a month, actually.  For that, I deeply apologize.  Since then, we've been through Thanksgiving, promotions, conferences, missions, and Christmas.  With the New Year looming large, I'm going to copy some of our Good News Stories as well as pictures from the past month.  I hope when you see them you can understand why it's been a while!

To say we've been busy is an understatement.  You see, Ghazni District (one of 19 districts within Ghazni Province) is transitioning this year to become totally reliant on the Afghan Government (GIRoA) for it's funding and operational support.  However, the rest of the province is not ready to do so.  The anomoly with Ghazni Province is that it, due to it's diverse population and geography, is seen as a miniature of the entire country...with all the complexities and issues that go along with it.  We have been working on preparing Ghazni City and District to become self-sufficient while trying to get the rest of the province caught up in order to become self-sufficient as well.  It's been a difficult task, to say the least! 

I hope you see your Soldier in the upcoming posts, and I wish everyone a Happy Holidays!